Vtiger - Nexi Payments integration
Integration with Pay-By-Link to manage payment links directly from Vtiger.

We have developed a new integration with the NEXI Pay-by-Link system, which, through our NexiIntegrator module, speeds up the invoice payment process. Specifically, for one of our clients, we have connected Vtiger to the payment link generation functions, automating their sending to recipients. This way, it is possible to manage payments directly from your Vtiger account once a quote or sales order has been successfully closed.
Through this synchronization, it is also possible to obtain precise information on the date, status, and outcome of the transaction and use it to generate up-to-date reports automatically.

We can summarize NexiIntegrator in three main functions:
1. Generate the payment link to be sent to the end customer
2. Regenerate the link in case of expiration or negative outcomes
3. Detailed reporting on payment statuses
If you think this synchronization could be useful for you as well or if you had something else in mind, write to us through our form!